Monday, January 24, 2011

Adapting to German Culture

Here are some aspects of German culture that I love.

1. Road Sodas.  Need I say more?  In Berlin (and I think most of Germany) you can drink on the street. There's no need to chug a beer before you step outside for fresh air, just bring the brew with you.  Everyday I see people drinking on the train after a long day of work, and I know my fellow classmates and I always like to enjoy a nice pilsner on a Friday afternoon after a long week of class. What a great way to unwind.  Don't get me wrong though.  Public drunkeness is not tolerated whatsoever but it seems this relaxed attitude towards alcohol in general has lead to a greater respect for our favorite fermented beverages. Respect Beer!

2. Mullets. I have seen some of the most epic mullets here.  Old ones, freshly cut ones, chick mullets, old dude mullets, curly mullets, and a mullet will always put a smile on my face.  Some of them are quite spectacular and seem to require a lot of care. Thats a lot of hairspray and time with the curling iron.

3. Health Care. Luckily I haven't had to visit a doctor yet but from talking to a few people I have only heard about fast and friendly medical attention (plus it's cheap about an 8 euro copay).  Also the pharmacy (die Apotheke) is awesome. Instead of having long aisles of every brand of cough medicine, at the Apotheke you tell the pharmacist what your ailment is and they will recommend the proper medicine.  So simple, so efficient, so German.

4. Relaxation. Despite their reputation as being strict and proper, I have found that most Berliners know how to have fun and relax (maybe this guy is a little too relaxed).  The nightlife here is diverse. You can find hopping night clubs, divey hipster bars, upscale cocktail bars, and everything in between.  There is also tons of day activities, famous museums, tranquil parks, and a world famous zoo.  Berliners definitely know how to have a good time.  

I also love the public transportation (always punctual and efficient), beer (some of the best lagers and wheat beers), monuments (which seem to be everywhere), dedicated bike lanes (they even have traffic lights especially for bikers), beer, pretzels (that go great with the beer), turkish food (amazing street food)..... did I mention the beer?  The list can go on and on.

Bis Bald!

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